Data Evaluation Analyst - Manchester (Trinity BridgeHouse)About the jobJob summaryDiscover a career in your hands atHMRC. Whether you/'re seeking purpose, growth, or a workplace thatgives you a true sense of belonging, hear from some of ouremployees as they share their story about what it/'s really like towork at HMRC.Visit our YouTube channel to watch the full series andcome and discover your potential.Are you an experienced DataAnalyst looking for your next challenge? Do you want to be part ofsomething that will fundamentally change the way people work? Doyou want to create and deliver influential and innovative analysiswhich will directly affect HMRC/'s service to millions of peopleacross the UK for the better? Then look no further, this could bethe role for you!HMRC are moving away from reliance on traditionalcompliance methods - with a greater emphasis on /"Upstream/"compliance activities, enabling customers to get their tax rightfirst time.We are seeking talented analysts who will play anintegral part in: Evaluating the impact of upstream complianceactivities across WMBC and ISBC Scoping and delivering innovativeanalysis to help HMRC continue to transform the way it approachestax compliance.We are AIDE, Analysis, Intelligence and DataEvaluation, a small team of engaged and passionate analysts fromdifferent backgrounds and disciplines based in Manchester,Nottingham, and Portsmouth. This work is vital to maximise therevenues that fund public services.We deliver impactfulevidence-based evaluations which has helped to generate over £5bnin tax yield for WMBC and ISBC over the last 3 years. JobdescriptionAs a Data Evaluation Analyst in AIDE, you will provideanalysis of transformational and innovative activities in twodirectorates of HMRC/'s Customer Compliance Group:Individuals andSmall Business Compliance (ISBC), which deals with nearly 45million individuals and five million small businesses - the peoplewho drive the UK/'s economy. Wealthy and Mid-Sized BusinessCompliance (WMBC), which deals with mid-sized businesses, wealthyindividuals, assets, charities, public bodies and complexemployments, and supports the growth that these businesses bring tothe UK economy.These exciting roles offer the opportunity to shapehow this work is done and the service that our customersreceive.The roles are project-based, and the role holders may haveflexibility to take on work which suit their particular interestsand technical skills. No two projects are the same, and there is arequirement for the role holders to be adaptable and versatile inthe way they work.Key responsibilities include: Shaping the designand evaluation of novel compliance activities, using a variety ofmethods and techniques, as well as supporting and upskillingoperational compliance staff to deliver this work. Designing andapplying code when conducting evaluations and other analysis.Scoping and providing innovative analysis to answer strategicquestions for HMRC/'s ISBC and WMBC Directorates. Buildingeffective relationships with a wide range of stakeholders andcompliance staff across HMRC to influence decision making. Managingprojects across multiple workstreams - delivering and championingrobust project management and quality assurance. Thinkingcreatively and innovatively to help the team test and develop newideas and analytical techniques to deliver our work. Workingflexibly across the wider team to support cross-cutting analysisand innovation more generally. Person specificationYou will: Usesoftware to extract, manipulate and analyse data. Present your workto enable informed decision-making or achieve business outcomes.Effectively communicate to technical and non-technical audiences,using verbal, written and presentation skills. Use project andstakeholder management skills to work with non-analytical, taxspecialist customers to determine the overall scope andrequirements of the analytical work and manage conflicting demands,priorities to deliver to tight deadlines. Be Enthusiastic! There isno requirement to have prior experience/knowledge of tax orspecific analytical techniques, but the role holder must be willingto learn.Essential Criteria: Experience in working with SAS, SQL, Rstudio or a similar analytical tool. Experience of scoping, designand delivery of data driven analysis products. Experience ofworking in a project-based way - there is an expectation that youwill take the lead on projects with support from SO/G7. Being ableto work independently and on own initiative to manage conflictingpriorities to deliver to stretching targets. A good eye for detail,understanding the importance of quality assurance practices andmaintaining audit trails. Good stakeholder management andcommunication skills - you will gain exposure to key stakeholdersacross HMRC, and an important part of the role is to supportcustomers and help upskill them. Desirable Criteria: Experience inevaluation and trial design. Consultancy and problem-solvingskills. Building analytical capability in others includingnon-specialist colleagues. If you are currently a badged analystwith membership of the Government Statistical Group (GSG),Government Operational Researcher Service (GORS), Government SocialResearcher (GSR), or Government Economic Service (GES) please statewithin your CV - support will be given for you to become badged.More information available at Government Analysis Function: BehavioursWe/'llassess you against these behaviours during the selection process:Working Together Making Effective Decisions Technical skillsWe/'llassess you against these technical skills during the selectionprocess: Please provide a technical statement, of 250 words,demonstrating your competence against the following task: Ifinvited to interview, you/'ll be required to give a presentation,based on a hypothetical scenario, to showcase your technical andprofessional skills and experience required for the role: fulldetails to be supplied prior to interview. We only ask for evidenceof these technical skills on your application form:Please provide atechnical statement, of 250 words, demonstrating your competenceagainst the following task: BenefitsAlongside your salary of£36,320, HM Revenue and Customs contributes £10,521 towards youbeing a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme.Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.HMRCoperates both Flexible and Hybrid Working policies, allowing you tobalance your work and personal commitments. We welcome applicationsfrom those who need to work a more flexible arrangement and willagree to requests where possible, considering our operational andcustomer service needs.We offer a generous leave allowance,starting at 25 days and increasing by as day for every year ofqualifying service up to a maximum of 30 days.Pension - We makecontributions to our colleagues/' Alpha pension equal to at least28.97% of their salary.Family friendly policies.Personalsupport.Coaching and development.To find out more about HMRCbenefits and find out what it/'s really like to work for HMRC hearfrom our insiders or visit Thinking of joining the CivilServiceThings you need to knowSelection process detailsThis vacancyis using Success Profiles (opens in a new window), and will assessyour Behaviours, Experience and Technical skills.As part of theapplication process, you will be asked to provide the following: •A CV detailing your job history, responsibilities and keyachievements covering your last three roles. No more than 200 wordsper role. Your CV will be scored. • A 750-word Personal Statementdemonstrating your experience and suitability for the role againstkey responsibilities and the essential criteria. • You should alsoprovide a technical statement, of 250 words, demonstrating yourcompetence against the following task: /"Your ability to usesoftware to extract, manipulate and analyse data to create aneffective, robust opinion that informed decision-making or achieveda business outcome./" You need to ensure that you describe indetail: • How the task was performed • The software that was usedand how it was used • How you quality assured your work and theoutcome or impact that was achieved. You may find it helpful to usethe STAR format.Please complete a separate statement (Max 250words) for the Desirable Criteria where applicable. This is notessential for the role but may be considered by the vacancy-holderwhere candidates have the same scores at sift or interview.Furtherdetails around what this will entail are listed on the applicationform.We acknowledge that AI can assist you in your application.Find our guidelines here.SiftIn the event of a large number ofapplications being received, an initial sift will be carried outagainst your CV. At full sift, your Personal Statement andTechnical Statement will be assessed, with the successfulcandidates being invited to interview.Interviews will take placevia video link.Sift and interview dates to be confirmed.InterviewAtinterview, you will be required to give a presentation thatshowcases the technical and professional skills and experiencerequired of this role. This presentation will relate to ahypothetical scenario; full details and data will be supplied toyou prior to the interview. Your technical experience will beassessed, and you will be asked behaviour-based questions toexplore in detail what you are capable of.Interviews will takeplace via video call.Sift and interview dates to beconfirmed.EligibilityPlease take extra care to tick the correctboxes in the eligibility sections of your application form. Weunderstand mistakes sometimes happen but if you contact us laterthan two working days (Monday-Friday) before the vacancy closes, wewill not be able to reopen your application for you. If you do makea mistake with your eligibility form, please contact us via: - Use thesubject line to insert appropriate wording for example - /'Pleasere-open my application - (insert vacancy ref) & vacancy closingdate (insert date)/'. To check that you are eligible to apply forthis role, please review the eligibility information beforesubmitting your application.Reserve ListA reserve list may be heldfor up to 12 months from which further appointments may be made forthe same or similar roles - if this applies to you, we/'ll let youknow via your Civil Service Jobs account.Criminal RecordCheckApplications received from candidates with a criminal recordare considered fairly in accordance with the DBS Code of Practiceand the Recruitment of ex-offenders Policy.Merit ListAfterinterview, a single merit list will be created, and you will onlybe considered for posts in locations you have expressed apreference for. Appointments will be made in strict merit order inline with the set number of roles in each location.ReasonableAdjustmentsWe want to make sure no one is put at a disadvantageduring our recruitment process. To assist you with this, we willreduce or remove any barriers where possible and provide additionalsupport where appropriate.If you need a change to be made so thatyou can make your application, you should:Contact the UBSRecruitment Excellence Team as soon aspossible before the closing date to discuss your needs.Complete the/"Assistance required/" section in the /"Additional requirements/"page of your application form to tell us what changes or help youmight need further on in the recruitment process. For instance, youmay need wheelchair access at interview, or if you/'re deaf, aLanguage Service Professional.Additional Security InformationPleasenote: in addition to the standard pre-employment checks forappointment into the Civil Service, all candidates must also obtainNational Security Vetting at Security Check (SC) clearance levelfor this vacancy. You will normally need to meet the minimum UKresidency period as determined by the level of vetting beingundertaken, which for SC is 5 years UK residency prior to yourvetting application. If you have any questions about this residencyrequirement, please speak to the vacancy holder for thispost.Important information for existing HMRC contractualhomeworkers:Please note that this role is unsuitable forcontractual homeworkers due to the nature and/or requirements ofthe role.Terms and ConditionsCustomer facing roles in HMRC requirethe ability to converse at ease with members of the public andprovide advice in accurate spoken English and/or Welsh whererequired.Where this is an essential requirement, this will betested as part of the selection process. HMRC has a presence inevery region of the UK. For more information on where you might beworking, review this information on our locations.The Civil Servicevalues honesty and integrity and expects all candidates to abide bythese principles. The evidence you provide in your application mustrelate to your own experiences.Any instances of plagiarism or otherforms of cheating will be investigated and, if proven, the relevantapplication(s) will be withdrawn from the process.Recording ofinterviews is prohibited unless explicit agreement is sought inline with the UK General Data Protection Regulations.Questionsrelating to an individual application must be emailed as detailedlater in this advert. AApplicants who are successful at interviewwill be, as part of pre-employment screening, subject to a check onthe Internal Fraud Database (IFD). This check will provideinformation about employees who have been dismissed for fraud ordishonesty offences. This check also applies to employees whoresign or otherwise leave before being dismissed for fraud ordishonesty had their employment continued. Any applicant/'s detailsheld on the IFD will be refused employment.A candidate is noteligible to apply for a role within the Civil Service if theapplication is made within a 5 year period following a dismissalfor carrying out internal fraud against government.New entrantswill join on the minimum of the pay band.Please note that, if youare applying for roles on a part-time basis, the salary agreed willbe pro-rata, reflective of the working hours agreed within yourcontract.If you experience accessibility problems with anyattachments on this advert, please contact the email address in the/'Contact point for applicants/' section.Feedback will only beprovided if you attend an interview orassessment.SecuritySuccessful candidates must undergo a criminalrecord check.Successful candidates must meet the securityrequirements before they can be appointed. The level of securityneeded is security check (opens in a new window).See our vettingcharter (opens in a new window).People working with governmentassets must complete baseline personnel security standard (opens innew window) checks.Nationality requirementsThis job is broadly opento the following groups: UK nationals nationals of the Republic ofIreland nationals of Commonwealth countries who have the right towork in the UK nationals of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland orLiechtenstein and family members of those nationalities withsettled or pre-settled status under the European Union SettlementScheme (EUSS) (opens in a new window) nationals of the EU,Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein and family members ofthose nationalities who have made a valid application for settledor pre-settled status under the European Union Settlement Scheme(EUSS) individuals with limited leave to remain or indefinite leaveto remain who were eligible to apply for EUSS on or before 31December 2020 Turkish nationals, and certain family members ofTurkish nationals, who have accrued the right to work in the CivilService Further information on nationality requirements (opens in anew window) Working for the Civil ServiceThe Civil Service Code(opens in a new window) sets out the standards of behaviourexpected of civil servants.We recruit by merit on the basis of fairand open competition, as outlined in the Civil ServiceCommission/'s recruitment principles (opens in a new window).TheCivil Service embraces diversity and promotes equal opportunities.As such, we run a Disability Confident Scheme (DCS) for candidateswith disabilities who meet the minimum selection criteria.The CivilService also offers a Redeployment Interview Scheme to civilservants who are at risk of redundancy, and who meet the minimumrequirements for the advertised vacancy.Diversity and InclusionTheCivil Service is committed to attract, retain and invest in talentwherever it is found. To learn more please see the Civil ServicePeople Plan (opens in a new window) and the Civil Service Diversityand Inclusion Strategy (opens in a new window).